Description (Service) | Office is open from 9 am. Anwering machine is checked regularly. AA is a program that offers 12-step-recovery from alcoholism. Peterborough offers over 30 meetings per week at a wide variety of times and places. Meetings include women's, men's groups and youth groups. Individual anonymity is a high priority. |
Service Details
Hours | Phone answered Mon-Sun 9 am-9:30 pm. At other times leave a message Meetings: Call or visit website for meeting times and locations |
Areas Served | Peterborough (County of) |
Eligibility | Must want to quit drinking alcohol |
Application | Call or drop-in for assistance |
Languages | English |
Fees | None |
Address and Location
Located In Community | Peterborough |
Address & Map | |
Intersection | Cameron St and Monaghan Rd |
Physical Access | Partially Accessible - Parking Accessible, Entrance Useable, Public Washroom - Accessible |
Contact Information
Office Phone | 705-745-6111 | | |
Website | |
Primary Contact | Kevin, Chairman |
Alternate Contact | Bronwyn P, PI-CPC Chair; Phone: 647-860-1069; Email: |