Organization / Program Name(s) Located In
412 ClubWasaga Beach
54 Plus Seniors Centre (The)New Tecumseth
55-Plus Friendship ClubMeaford
Achill Choral Society, CaledonCaledon (Town of)
Activity Haven Senior CentrePeterborough
Askennonia Senior CentreMidland
Auburn Horticultural Society, Auburn Memorial HallCentral Huron
Barrie - Allandale Railway ModellersBarrie
Barrie Amateur Radio ClubBarrie
Barrie Antique Radio ClubBarrie
Barrie Ballroom Dance ClubBarrie
Barrie British ClubBarrie
Barrie Concert BandBarrie
Barrie District Stamp ClubBarrie
Barrie Free Methodist Church, Barrie - Cundles Rd EBarrie
Barrie Garden ClubBarrie
Barrie Huronia PROBUS ClubBarrie
Barrie Kempenfelt Probus Club, Barrie - Mailing AddressBarrie
Barrie Kennel and Obedience Club, Mailing AddressBarrie
Barrie Native Friendship Centre, Barrie - 175 Bayfield St, Akwe:go ProgramBarrie
Barrie Newcomers ClubBarrie
Barrie Pipes and DrumsBarrie
Barrie Public Library, Barrie - 48 Dean Ave, Painswick BranchBarrie
Barrie Public Library, Barrie - 555 Essa Rd, Holly BranchBarrie
Barrie Public Library, Barrie - 60 Worsley St, Downtown BranchBarrie
Barrie Region Aquarium Society of SimcoeBarrie
Barrie Soundwaves ChorusBarrie
Barrie Thornton Fiddle ClubEssa
Barrie Women's ConnectionBarrie
Barrie Writers' ClubBarrie
Barrie. Economic and Creative Development, Barrie - 24 Maple Ave, Small Business Centre of Barrie, Simcoe County and OrilliaBarrie
Barrie. Recreation and Culture Services, Recreation ProgramsBarrie
Bayanihan Club of Simcoe County, No Physical AddressBarrie
Bayfield Garden ClubBluewater
Bayport Masonic Lodge No. 249 A.F.and A.M.Victoria Harbour
Bayshore Senior Citizens AssociationSpringwater
Beausoleil Child and Family ServicesBeausoleil First Nation
Beta Sigma Phi, GoderichGoderich
Beta Sigma Phi, StratfordStratford
Bethel Bible ChurchHuron East
Bethel Pentecostal AssemblyGoderich
Bethel Pentecostal Church, Bethel KidsStratford
Bethel Pentecostal Church, Student MinistriesStratford
BlueSky Bluegrass ClubChurchill
Bluewater Astronomical SocietyOliphant
Blyth Christian Reformed ChurchNorth Huron
Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes, Lindsay, Before and After School ProgramKawartha Lakes
Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes, LindsayKawartha Lakes
Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes, Lindsay, Kids in Motion Child CareKawartha Lakes
Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes, Lindsay, Support Services - Infant & Child Development ServicesKawartha Lakes
Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes, Lindsay, Support Services - Reach Mental HealthKawartha Lakes
Boys and Girls Clubs of Kawartha Lakes, Little Britain, Dr George Hall Childcare CentreKawartha Lakes
Boys and Girls Clubs of North Simcoe, Midland - North Simcoe Sports & Recreation CentreMidland
Bravado Show ChoirBarrie
Brighton Garden ClubBrighton (Municipality of)
Bruce County. Human Services Children's Services, WalkertonWalkerton
Brussels & District Horticultural SocietyHuron East
Calvary Baptist ChurchGoderich
Camp Promise Barrie, Mailing AddressBarrie
Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec, Lakefield Baptist ChurchLakefield
Canadian Council of the Blind, Club 60Barrie
Catulpa Community Support Services, Barrie Office, Community Action Program for Children (CAPC)Barrie
Central Ontario Humanists, Barrie - No Physical AddressBarrie
Centralia Faith Tabernacle ChurchHuron East
CFUW Barrie and District, Barrie and DistrictBarrie
Chantry Seniors Centre 50+, Chantry Rec Centre 50+Saugeen Shores
Chesley Baptist ChurchArran-Elderslie
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - 33 Maadookii Cres, Maadookii Seniors CentreNeyaashiinigmiing
Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation, Neyaashiinigmiing - Lighthouse Rd, E'minoyaajig BinojiingyagNeyaashiinigmiing
Christadelphians at Shelburne, Worship ServicesAmaranth
Christian SportsOro-Medonte
Clinton United ChurchCentral Huron
CN Pensioners Association, Barrie CouncilBarrie
Cobourg Garden ClubCobourg
Collingwood Leisure Time ClubCollingwood
Collingwood Youth CentreCollingwood
Comancheros Car Club, No Physical Address 
Community Care Northumberland, Brighton, Community Care Northumberland - Brighton OfficeBrighton (Municipality of)
Community Care Northumberland, Colborne Rural Outreach Clinic, Community Care Northumberland - Colborne Satellite OfficeCramahe
Coronation Masonic Hall IncElmvale
County Chordsmen, Barrie Barbershop Harmony SocietyBarrie
Dashwood Men's ClubBluewater
Deaf Access Simcoe Muskoka, Barrie Central Office, Community Support ServicesBarrie
District of Muskoka, Bracebridge - No Physical Address, EarlyON Child and Family CentresBracebridge
District of Muskoka, Bracebridge - Pine St, Community and Planning Services DepartmentBracebridge
District of Parry Sound Social Services Administration Board, East Parry Sound, EarlyON Child and Family CentreMachar
Douro-Dummer Seniors' ClubDouro-Dummer
Down Syndrome Association of Peterborough, Lansdowne St W, Recreational and Social ProgramsPeterborough
Down Syndrome Association of Peterborough, Lansdowne St W, Wee Ups & DownsPeterborough
Downtown Youth SpacePeterborough
Durham Silver Threads Seniors' Club #64, Durham Town Hall 
EarlyON Child and Family Centre, Haliburton EarlyON Centre, Haliburton EarlyON ProgramsHaliburton
EarlyON Child and Family Centre, Lindsay EarlyON Child & Family Centre, City of Kawartha Lakes EarlyON programsLindsay
EarlyON Child and Family Centre, Minden EarlyON Centre, EarlyON Child & Family ProgramsMinden Hills
Edmison Heights Bible ChapelPeterborough
Elgin Missionary ChurchStratford
Elgin Missionary Church, Launch PadStratford
Elmvale Children's Play Group, Elmvale Moms and TotsSpringwater
Emmanuel Baptist Church, Barrie, JOY Fellowship for SeniorsBarrie
Empower Simcoe, Barrie Head Office - 39 Fraser Crt, Youth Program 
Essa Public Library, Angus Branch, Essa Public Library, Angus BranchEssa
Essa Public Library, Thornton Branch, Essa Public Library, Thornton BranchEssa
Exeter Pentecostal TabernacleSouth Huron
Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Mailing Address, Simcoe South Kempenfeldt DistrictOntario
Federated Women's Institutes of Ontario, Meeting Location, Simcoe AreaMinesing
Feline Friends Network, Mailing AddressStratford
Fellowship Christian Reformed ChurchBrighton (Municipality of)
Festival Sounds ChorusStratford
Filipino-Canadian Association of Barrie and Suburban AreasBarrie
Georgian Recreation ClubMeaford
Georgian Shores Seniors ClubMidland
German Canadian Club. BarrieBarrie
Gilda's Club Simcoe MuskokaBarrie
Glowing Hearts Charity, Hillcrest Public School, Simcoe Youth ChoirBarrie
Glowing Hearts Charity, No Physical AddressBarrie
Goderich & District Horticultural SocietyGoderich
Goderich Communities in BloomGoderich
Grace United Church, ThornburyBlue Mountains
Gravelridge Women's Institute, Gravelridge - No Physical AddressMilverton
Gravenhurst Against Poverty, Gravenhurst, Wellness ProgramGravenhurst
Gravenhurst Senior Citizens Club, Gravenhurst Seniors Activity CentreGravenhurst
Grey County., Business Enterprise Centre - Owen Sound and Area, Owen Sound - 8th St EOwen Sound
Hanover Missionary ChurchHanover
Hanover Seniors Friendship ClubHanover
Hawkestone Singers, Mailing AddressHawkestone
Hensall Horticultural Society, Mailing AddressBluewater
Huron Chapel Evangelical Missionary ChurchCentral Huron
Huron County. Municipal Office, Children's Services - EarlyON Child and Family Centre (administrative office), Clinton - Jacob Memorial BuildingCentral Huron
Huron Perth District Women's Institute, Perth and Huron County - Mailing AddressListowel
Huron Perth Junior Farmers, No Physical Address 
Huronia Fur and Feather Breeders AssociationOro-Medonte
Huronia Radio Control ClubBarrie
Huronia Rose SocietyBarrie
Intelligent Elders Club (The)Orillia
Japanese Sword Society of CanadaBarrie
Joybells Handbell Choir, No Physical AddressBarrie
Junior Achievement of Central OntarioToronto
Kawartha Youth Unlimited, Haliburton - Park St, Haliburton Highland's Youth Unlimited ChapterHaliburton
Kawartha Youth Unlimited, Kawartha Lakes - Mailing Address, Kawartha Lakes ChapterKawartha Lakes
Kempenfelt Community PlayersBarrie
Kids & Us Community Childcare and Family Education Centres, MarkdaleGrey Highlands
King Edward ChoirBarrie
Kinsmen Club of Barrie, No Physical Address, K-40 WomenBarrie
Kinsmen Club of Barrie, K-40 ClubBarrie
Kirkton Horticultural Society, Kirkton-Woodham Community CentreWest Perth
La Clé, 63 Main St - Penetanguishene, Centre pour l'enfant et la famille ON y va - PenetanguishenePenetanguishene
La Clé, 70 Madelaine Dr - Barrie, Centre pour l'enfant et la famille ON y va - BarrieBarrie
Lakefield Golden Years ClubSelwyn Township
Lakefield Historical Society, Lakefield - Mailing AddressLakefield
Lakeview Conservative Mennonite ChurchBluewater
Learning In Leisure PeterboroughPeterborough
Lighthouse Fellowship Baptist ChurchKincardine
Lily Dempsey Women's Institute, North Perth - No Physical AddressNorth Perth
Lindsay Canadian Club 
Lindsay Seniors AssociationKawartha Lakes
Listowel Evangelical Missionary ChurchNorth Perth
Listowel Pentecostal ChurchNorth Perth
Lyrica Chamber ChoirBarrie
Majestic Women's Institute, Huron East - Brussels LibraryHuron East
McConnell ClubSt Marys
Meeting Place Tobermory (The)Tobermory
Memorial Baptist Church, Kids' ChurchStratford
Midland Horticultural SocietyMidland
Midland, Town of., Midland - Len Self Blvd - NSSRC, North Simcoe Sports and Recreation CentreMidland
Milverton Christian FellowshipPerth East
Mitchell Legion Concert BandWest Perth
Mitchell Pioneer Hobby AssociationWest Perth
Monarchist League Barrie Huronia Branch 
Moose Deer Point First Nation, Mactier - 1025C Mitawbik Rd, Health ServicesGeorgian Bay Township
Motherwell Women's Institute, St Marys - Mailing AddressPerth South
Muskoka Small Business CentreBracebridge
M'Wikwedong Indigenous Friendship CentreOwen Sound
National Association of Federal Retirees, Barrie, National Association of Federal Retirees - Huronia Branch 35Barrie
Nature BarrieBarrie
Neustadt Happy AdventurersNeustadt
New Life Church, CollingwoodCollingwood
New Life Fellowship Baptist ChurchInnisfil
Next Gen MenSimcoe
Next Gen Men, NGM Boys+ ClubSimcoe
Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre, Akwe:go Urban Aboriginal Children's ProgramPeterborough
Nogojiwanong Friendship Centre, Wasa-NabinPeterborough
Norland Horticultural SocietyNorland
North Perth SeniorsNorth Perth
North Perth. Municipal Office, EarlyON - Various Sites, North Perth EarlyONNorth Perth
North Perth. Municipal Office, North Perth, North Perth Community of CharacterNorth Perth
North Perth. Municipal Office, Westfield Elementary School, Spinrite Child and Family Centre - Child Care, Spinrite Child and Family Centre - 955 Binning St WNorth Perth
Northumberland Promise MinistryCobourg
Northumberland Youth Unlimited, Cobourg, Youth Unlimited: Cobourg ProgramsCobourg
Northumberland Youth Unlimited, The Beacon Youth Centre, BrightonBrighton (Municipality of)
Nottawasaga Model RailwayCollingwood
Oliphant Young at Heart Senior's ClubSouth Bruce Peninsula
Onstage Performance GroupBarrie
Orangeville & District Horticultural SocietyOrangeville
Orangeville and District Seniors CentreOrangeville
Orillia Aero ModelersGravenhurst
Orillia Public Library, Orillia, Coffee and ConnectOrillia
Orillia Women Newcomers Club, Orillia Women's Newcomers ClubOrillia
Orillia, City of, Senior Recreation, Seniors At Play ProgramOrillia
Oro Station PlayschoolOro-Medonte
Oro-Medonte Horticultural SocietyOro-Medonte
Painswick Garden ClubBarrie
Parkview SingersBarrie
Parry Sound Seniors Club, Parry Sound Senior Citizen CentreParry Sound
Perth Care for Kids, Child Care Centre - 177 Frances St, MitchellWest Perth
Perth Care for Kids, Various Sites, West Perth & Perth East EarlyON 
Perth County Players, No Physical AddressStratford
Perth East Public Library, Children's Programs, MilvertonPerth East
Perth East. Municipal Office, Perth East Recreation Complex, Perth East Youth Action CouncilPerth East
Peterborough Newcomers ClubPeterborough
Peterborough Youth CommissionPeterborough
Port Elgin Missionary ChurchPort Elgin
Port Elgin United ChurchSaugeen Shores
Prime Time ClubWasaga Beach
Probus Club of Exeter & Area, Exeter - Mailing AddressExeter
Probus Club of Goderich and District #137, Knox Goderich Presbyterian ChurchGoderich
Retired Teachers of Ontario/Les Enseignantes et Enseignants Retraités de l'Ontario (RTOERO), District 17-Simcoe CountySimcoe County
Royal Canadian Legion, Paisley, Paisley Branch 295Arran-Elderslie
Salvation Army Orillia Citadel (The), Youth Services, Orillia - Coldwater Rd WOrillia
Salvation Army, North Huron, Wingham, ChurchNorth Huron
Scottish ConnectionBarrie
Scottish Country Dancing Group, BarrieBarrie
Scouts Canada, White Pine CouncilDurham Region
Seaforth & District Horticultural SocietyHuron East
Seaforth Harmony KingsHuron East
Seniors Programs and Services, District of Muskoka, Muskoka District - Mailing Address, WISE Mobile Active Living CentreBracebridge
Shak's World Community Centre, 59 Maple Ave, Basketball ProgramBarrie
Shak's World Community Centre, 59 Maple Ave, Youth ProgramsBarrie
Simcoe County BandBarrie
Simcoe Scale Modelers, Barrie - No Physical AddressBarrie
Simcoe Singers, Mailing AddressBarrie
South Georgian Bay Community Health Centre, Wasaga Beach, Community ProgramsWasaga Beach
South Georgian Bay Ontario Health Team, Simcoe County Recreation and Social Activities CalendarCollingwood
Spectrum AcresEast Zorra-Tavistock
Sprucedale Senior Friendship Club, Sprucedale, Sprucedale Seniors Friendship ClubMcMurrich-Monteith
St Andrew's Society of Simcoe County, Mailing AddressBarrie
St James Roman Catholic Church, SeaforthHuron East
St John Ambulance, St John Ambulance Stratford-Perth, St John Ambulance CoursesStratford
St John Vianney Church, Youth GroupsBarrie
St John's Presbyterian Church, BradfordBradford West Gwillimbury
St Margaret of Scotland Anglican Church, Barrie, Caregiver and Tots Drop-InBarrie
St Marys Community PlayersSt Marys
St Marys Early Learning Centre, Friendship Centre at the Pyramid Centre, St Marys EarlyON ProgramSt Marys
St Marys Horticultural Society, St Marys Legion HallSt Marys
St Marys. Municipal Office, Pyramid Recreation Centre, St Marys Youth CentreSt Marys
St Matthew's Evangelical Lutheran ChurchHanover
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, DublinWest Perth
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, KinkoraPerth East
St Paul the Apostle Catholic Church, AllistonNew Tecumseth
St Stephen's Anglican Church, St Stephen's Anglican Recreation TeamStratford
Stayner Senior Citizens Friendship ClubClearview (Simcoe County)
Stratford & District Horticultural Society, GardenStratfordStratford
Stratford and Area Master Gardeners, No Physical AddressStratford
Stratford Astronomy GroupStratford
Stratford Christian Reformed Church, CadetsStratford
Stratford Christian Reformed Church, GemsStratford
Stratford Coin ClubStratford
Stratford Concert Band, Mailing AddressStratford
Stratford Concert Choir Association Inc., Stratford Concert ChoirStratford
Stratford Lakeside Active Adults Association, Burnside AgriplexStratford
Stratford Model ClubPerth South
Stratford Perth Centre for BusinessStratford
Stratford Police Pipes and DrumsStratford
Stratford Public Library, Good Book GroupStratford
Stratford Public Library, Story StartersStratford
Stratford Public Library, Summer ProgramsStratford
Stratford Scrabble ClubStratford
Sundridge Happy GangSundridge
Sweet Adelines International, Orangeville Show ChorusOrangeville
The Probus Club of Stratford, Army Navy & Air Force VeteransStratford
Trinity Anglican Church, BradfordBradford West Gwillimbury
Trout Creek Friendship Club 
United Church of Canada, Norwood United ChurchAsphodel-Norwood
United Senior Citizens of Ontario, Zone 42 - Peterborough BranchPeterborough
Vanastra Community Christian Reformed ChurchHuron East
Walton Women's Institute, Huron East - No Physical AddressHuron East
Wasaga Beach Public Library, Friday Afternoon Book ClubWasaga Beach
Wendat Community Programs, Adult Mental Health Services - Social Club, MidlandMidland
Wiarton Salvation Army (The), Wiarton - Edward St, Community and Family ServicesSouth Bruce Peninsula
Wingham and District Horticultural SocietyNorth Huron
Women's Probus Club #117 of Grand Bend & Area, Grand Bend, Women's Probus Club of Grand Bend & AreaGrand Bend
YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Barrie - Bayfield St, Youth Community Action Network ProgramBarrie
YMCA of Simcoe/Muskoka, Innisfil - Yonge St, YMCA Silver ClubInnisfil
YMCA of Three Rivers, EarlyON Stratford, Various Locations - EarlyON 
Young At Heart Senior Citizen's ClubBurk's Falls
Youth for Christ - Youth Unlimited, West Perth Youth CentreWest Perth
Youth Unlimited, The Door Youth Centre, Orangeville, OrangevilleOrangeville
Youth Unlimited North Huron, Wingham, Youth for ChristNorth Huron
Youth Unlimited YFC North Perth, ListowelNorth Perth
Youth Unlimited YFC Stratford, Stratford, YFC / Youth Unlimited StratfordStratford