Assist staff to deliver various programs such as crafts, bingo, outings and trips for adults with diverse disabilities. Please note - due to COVID, we have transitioned all in-person programs to virtual activities. When it is safe to do so, we will return to in-person programs at our Centre but at a reduced capacity. We will introduce a hybrid approach that involves in-person and virtual.
- For now, we require volunteers to do:
- Telephone check-ins with our Consumers
- Organizational/administrative assistance for our Connecting with Seniors program
- Opportunity to do crafting or recipe videos for our social media outlets
- Other opportunities that can be done safely from home.

Providing companionship to Individuals with development disabilities. Going for walks/outings, playing games, listening to music, sharing interests.

Instruct or assist athletes with varying disabilities to ski or snowboard, we dedicate two instructors to an athlete. No special certification is required. Track3 provides training for all instructors. You must be able to communicate effectively, the ability to ski or snowboard in control and have patience and understanding of our athletes' needs. The minimum age for instructors is 17, the minimum age for assistants is 14.

- Provide weekly companionship to client of Breaking Down Barriers.
- Assist with activities like arts & crafts, cooking, scrapbooking, weaving and Friendship Café
- Meet for conversation, maybe go for an outing and just be a friendly face to someone who may otherwise be isolated.

Being a S2F volunteer is one of the most enjoyable and fulfilling things you’ll ever do. Shape Canadian children's futures for the better by being a friend and a teammate. And the best part is, it’s actually a lot of fun. Volunteer and use your skills to help break the cycle of child poverty!
- Jan to May
- 30-40 minute sessions 2x/week (Tues/Wed/Thurs)
- flexible timing, between 3:30-6:30pm EST
- 10-12 participants and 2-3 volunteer coaches per group
- Sessions include fitness, literacy & mentoring activities, with emphasis on building character strengths
- An easy-to-use virtual platform to facilitate programming If you are interested, please apply on our volunteer portal: https://timecounts.app/start2finish/applications/be25fdc6-0bcf-499d-985c-39ad7ab41575
Please note while this is a virtual opportunity, volunteers must be located in Canada.

Do you have a passion for health and fitness and like leading groups? The Physical Fitness & Exercise Facilitator will provide a leadership role while offering a gentle fitness program that promotes:
- improved energy and health
- improved mobility and independence
- decrease in fall risks
- contributing to your community
- maintaining strength and coordination